Northern Nevada HOPES
Northern Nevada HOPES (HOPES) is a Federally Qualified Health Center providing primary medical care, mental health services and substance use treatment to individuals with and without insurance. Operating out of three community locations with the mission to provide affordable, high-quality medical, behavioral health and support services for all, HOPES meets its patients without judgement, wherever they are in their personal journey.
HOPES’ welcoming and innovative one-stop-shop healthcare model continues to serve our largely low-income patient population. Services include: adult and pediatric primary care; chronic disease management; case management; radiology and imaging; HIV and hepatitis C (HCV) testing; individual, group, and family counseling; psychiatric medication management; transportation assistance; a Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) program for opioid and alcohol addiction; Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP); insurance enrollment and benefits counseling; Medical Legal Partnership program; and an on-site pharmacy equipped with a medication delivery program.
Founded in 1997 as the region’s only HIV service provider, HOPES expanded in 2016 to the Stacie Mathewson Community Wellness Center on W. 5th Street before opening Hope Springs, a bridge-housing community for individuals experiencing chronic homelessness, in 2021. When the clinic on 5th Street reached capacity, serving more than 14,000 patients annually, HOPES built and recently opened The Jerry Smith Community Wellness Center on E. 4th Street next to the Cares Campus. This beacon of hope, in an area devoid of many basic services, will ultimately provide an additional 12,000 individuals with expanded primary medical and behavioral health care.
The rich and collaborative partnership between the Nell J. Redfield Foundation and HOPES continues to increase access to life-changing and life-saving medical and mental health services for our most vulnerable neighbors.